


School Life Expectancy: 12.3 years
Government Investment In Education: OD
School Safe Level: 10 out of 15

Education Outcomes
School Completion Rates % Female Male 2030 Goal
Early Childhood Enrollment Rate OD NA NA 50%
Primary School Completion Rate OD OD OD 100%
Secondary School Completion Rate OD OD OD 90%
High School Graduation Rate NA NA NA 50%
College Graduation Rate NA NA NA 20%
Academic Levels Total Reading Math Science
Primary Levels NA NA NA NA
Secondary Levels NA NA NA NA
School Indicators % Pre-Primary Primary Secondary
Free Schools 33% NA Yes NA
Students to Teacher Ratio NA OD NA NA
Out of School Children NA OD 2% NA

DATA: Sources
NA: Data Not Available
OD: Data 5 Years Old or More Not Reliable
2030 Goal: Projections based on Economics, Social Science, and Youth Population  


National Debt: 23%
Gross Domestic Product: 72.1 Billion
Country Top Trade Partner: Export – Brazil Import – China

Economic Status
Labor Statistics Total Female Male Youth (15 to 24 year old)
Work Force Participation 70% 61% 88% 58%
Average Income 10,224 6,857 12,217 NA
Unemployment Rate 8% 6% 5% 13%
Job Skill Levels College High School Secondary Primary
Women 10% 30% 40% 20%
Men 10% 30% 40% 20%


Access to Electricity: 99%
Access to Clean Water: 98%
Access to Internet:  51%
Government Stability Score: 20 out of 30

Social Index
Social Conditions Total Female Male Rank
Population (Average Age 28) 6.9 Million 49% 51% 104th
Child Population (1 to 14 year old) 24.56% 49% 51% 102nd
Child Mortality Rate 18.7% 15.2% 22.1% 86th
Poverty Level 22.2% NA NA 42nd
Crime Rate 9.8% 6.5% 90.7% 30th
Adult Illiteracy Levels 4.9% 5.7% 4.2% 95th