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Are You Up for the Challenge – Everyone Behind the Flag


Are You Up for the Challenge – Everyone Behind the Flag

In the pursuit of fostering quality education for all, NGOs stand as beacons of hope, tirelessly working to uplift communities and drive societal change. Now, a groundbreaking opportunity has emerged—one that has the potential to revolutionize education systems worldwide and propel the attainment of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) to new heights.

The Everyone Behind the Flag Campaign has emerged as a pioneering initiative, calling upon NGOs from all corners of the globe to unite in a shared mission: transforming education systems and fostering educational equity. For NGOs, this campaign represents more than just an opportunity—it’s a responsibility to drive positive change and showcase the significant strides we’ve made in advancing SDG 4 in the countries where we receive donations.

As champions of educational equity, NGOs play a pivotal role in ensuring that every child has access to quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances. Through our collective efforts, we have touched the lives of countless individuals, fostering greater access, inclusivity, and excellence in education. Now, as we come together in the Everyone Behind the Flag Campaign, we have the opportunity to amplify our impact and showcase the transformative power of education on a global scale.

Participating in this campaign offers NGOs a powerful platform to not only spotlight their successes but also to share invaluable insights and best practices. By uniting our collective expertise, passion, and resources, we can inspire others to join our cause, rally support, and catalyze transformative change in education systems worldwide.

While the challenges ahead may seem daunting, our shared commitment and resolve has never been stronger. Together, we possess the collective strength, innovation, and determination needed to overcome any obstacle. Let us seize this moment to unite as a formidable force for good, reaffirming our unwavering dedication to making quality education a reality for every child, in every community.

We urge each of you to consider joining us in this pivotal campaign. Together, let’s illuminate the remarkable work we’ve been doing and propel the movement for SDG 4 forward with unwavering determination and solidarity.

If you have any questions or would like to explore this further, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s harness the power of collaboration and make a lasting difference together.

ARTICLE by NJ MED – Organization in Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council since 2016

the International Tournament of Education Excellence (ITEE)


The First International Tournament of Education Excellence (ITEE) Results

In a remarkable display of educational prowess, Sweden emerged victorious in the highly anticipated inaugural edition of the International Tournament of Education Excellence (ITEE), triumphing over formidable opponent France.

ITEE is a key component of NJ MED’s prestigious World Top 20 Project, an ongoing effort to promote gender equality and ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive provision of high-quality education. This initiative is strongly committed to enhancing lifelong learning opportunities for individuals across the global spectrum.

At the heart of ITEE’s mission is the purposeful goal of promoting the educational development of girls aged 5 to 14, facilitating the development of essential life skills, and promoting experiential literacy skills into adulthood.

This rigorous competition takes place every four years, in line with its own strategy with the international focus that has emerged from the prestigious FIFA Women’s World Cup. Based on this, the educational performance of participating national teams resonates as a sign of progress, showing that girls’ primary and lower secondary school completion rates have increased.

The ITEE’s complex structure is based on a series of ascending stages, closely reflecting the format of the Women’s World Cup. Starting from the group stage, the participating countries will engage in a lively competition, with their academic performance an essential metric for advancement. The countries that show the most commendable educational achievements will advance to the next rounds, getting closer to the pinnacle final.

In this first edition, Sweden’s tenacity in its pursuit of educational excellence has been demonstrated as unprecedented, with the nation’s dedicated efforts resulting in a tough victory over its formidable opponent, France. This victory demonstrates Sweden’s strong commitment to nurturing a generation of empowered and educated females, setting a remarkable precedent for education initiatives worldwide.

As the ITEE continues to unfold its transformative narrative on the global stage, it is poised to catalyze a paradigm shift in educational paradigms, underscoring the indispensable role of gender-inclusive and equitable education. With each edition, the ITEE not only mirrors the fervor of a sporting spectacle but also bolsters the collective resolve to ensure that individuals from all walks of life are afforded the opportunity to embark on a lifelong journey of enlightenment and empowerment.

Here are the results for this year’s competition:


Group A: Norway – 2 New Zealand -0

Group A: Switzerland-2 Philippines-0

Group A: New Zealand-1 Philippines-0

Group A: Norway-2 Switzerland-0

Group A: Switzerland-1 New Zealand-0

Group A: Norway-3 Philippines-0


Group B: Ireland – 1 Australia -0

Group B: Canada-1 Nigeria-0

Group B: Ireland-1 Canada-0

Group B: Australia-1 Nigeria-0

Group B: Canada-1 Australia-0

Group B: Ireland-2 Nigeria-0


Group C: Costa Rica-2 Spain-1

Group C: Japan-1 Zambia-0

Group C: #Japan -1 Costa Rica-1

Group C: Spain-2 Zambia-0

Group C: #Japan-1 Spain-1

Group C: Costa Rica-3. Zambia-0


Group D: England -1 Haiti-0

Group D: Denmark -2 China-1

Group D: -Denmark-3 England-0

Group D: China-3 Haiti-0

Group D: China-2 England-1

Group D: Denmark-3 Haiti-0


Group E: Vietnam-2 USA-1

Group E: Netherlands-1 Portugal-0

Group E: #United States-0 Netherlands-0

Group E: Vietnam-2 Portugal-1

Group E: Portugal-1 United States-0

Group E: Vietnam-2 Netherlands-1


Group F: France-2 Jamaica-0

Group F: Panama-2 Brazil-0

Group F: France-2 Brazil-0

Group F: Panama-2 Jamaica-1

Group F: France-2 Panama-1

Group F: #Brazil-1 Jamaica-1


Group G: Sweden-3 South Africa-0

Group G: Italy-3 Argentina-0

Group G: Argentina-3 South Africa-0

Group G: Sweden-2 Italy-1

Group G: Sweden-2 Argentina-0

Group G: Italy-3 South Africa-0


Group H: Germany-2 Morocco-1

Group H: South Korea-3 Colombia-0

Group H: South Korea-3 Morocco-0

Group H: Germany-2 Colombia- 1

Group H: Germany-1 South Korea-0

Group H: Colombia-2 Morocco-1

1st Round

Group A Winner: Norway-2

Group C Runner-up: Costa Rica -1

Group C Winner: #Japan -1

Group A Runner-up: Switzerland-1

Group E Winner: Vietnam -0

Group G Runner-up: Italy-3

Group G Winner: Sweden-2

Group E Runner-up: USA- 1

Group D Winner: Denmark -1

Group B Runner-up: #Canada-1

Group B Winner: Republic of Ireland-2

Group D Runner-up: China – 1

Group H Winner: Germany-1

Group F Runner-up: Panama-0

Group F Winner: #France – 1

Group H Runner-up: South Korea – 1

Quarter Finals

QF-A: Norway-2 Italy-1

QF-B: Sweden-2 Japan-1

QF-C: #Germany-2 Republic of Ireland-1

QF-D: France-1 Canada-0


#France-1 Norway-1

Sweden -1 Germany-0


#Germany-1 Norway-1


Sweden-1 France-0

The International Tournament of Education Excellence


The International Tournament of Education Excellence (ITEE)

As of 2023, an estimated 130 million girls under the age of 15 are out of school worldwide. This number includes girls, from primary school age to lower secondary school. The vast majority of these girls (95%) live in developing countries, according to UNESCO.

Knowing about this problem is not enough. Finding a solution is the right thing and the only thing for the empowerment of women.

NJ MED is a Special Consultative Status member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and a partner in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) that focuses on its SDG 4 education mission to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

NJ MED’s first approach is to find out where the needs are. Then create a way to help. Currently, the United Nations requires countries to submit annual reports on the state of education in their country, which only 22 percent of nations do. So, there is a data problem that needs to be addressed.

NJ MED has created a database on data reported to the UN and data collected by other NGOs.

To encourage nations to submit their data, NJ MED has developed three international education data base competitions to center around the world’s three major sporting events – the Olympic summer games, FIFA’s Men World Cup, and the Women’s World Cup.

During these events, NJ MED will use social media and offline marketing strategies to promote the education competitions. For example, during the Olympic Games (The Global Academic Awards – GAA), we will focus on every nation’s four major education development levels- early childhood enrollment rates, primary school completion rates, lower-secondary completion rates, and high school graduation rates. For the Men’s World Cup Game (The World Education Championship- WEC) we target the nations’ School Life Expectancy, Government Investment in Education, and Adult Literacy Levels.

For the Women’s World Cup (The International Tournament of Education Excellence-ITEE), we are targeting Girl’s Primary and Secondary Completion rates and Women’s Adult Literacy Levels. Our approach is to break through cultural barriers and obstacles in a non-threatening way.

By combining national pride in sports and education, we can draw attention and support to the ITEE goal of help empower girls into strong women.

What is women’s empowerment?

Empowerment means people have power and control over their own lives. People get the support they need that is right for them. Empowerment means that people are equal citizens. They are respected and confident in their communities.

In a world where gender equality remains an ongoing struggle, understanding the implications of a woman without empowerment becomes increasingly crucial. At its core, empowerment involves the provision of social, economic, and political tools that enable women to exercise their rights and make choices freely. It encompasses access to education, healthcare, financial resources, and legal protections, creating an environment conducive to growth and self-determination. Empowerment ensures that women are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to actively participate in decision-making processes that influence their lives and society as a whole. Let’s take a look at how

Challenges Faced by Women without Empowerment

For women devoid of empowerment, life presents an array of obstacles that hinder personal and collective development. Social and cultural constraints often dictate restrictive gender roles, impeding women’s ability to pursue education, careers, and personal ambitions. These limitations perpetuate a cycle of dependence and thwart the potential for progress. Additionally, the lack of access to quality education and economic opportunities leaves women economically vulnerable and reinforces gender inequalities.

Women without empowerment also face an imbalance of power, with limited decision-making abilities in areas such as health, reproduction, and community affairs.

This power disparity leaves them susceptible to discrimination, abuse, and violence, robbing them of their dignity and agency. Furthermore, the under-representation of women in leadership roles and decision-making positions curtails their influence and hampers the creation of gender-sensitive policies and initiatives.

The Transformative Power of Empowerment

Empowerment acts as a catalyst for positive change, breaking the chains that confine women and enabling them to reach their full potential. By granting women access to education, they become equipped with knowledge and skills, empowering them to make informed choices and pursue diverse career paths. Education provides a pathway out of poverty and equips women with the tools to contribute meaningfully to their families and communities.

Economic empowerment plays a pivotal role in gender equality, as financial independence enhances women’s decision-making capabilities and reduces their vulnerability to exploitation. Access to credit, vocational training, and entrepreneurship opportunities enables women to create sustainable livelihoods, fostering economic growth and eradicating the cycle of poverty.

Empowered women become agents of change within their communities. As they develop the confidence to challenge discriminatory norms, they inspire others to do the same, gradually transforming societal attitudes toward gender roles. Empowerment allows women to advocate for their rights and interests, promoting gender equality on both individual and systemic levels.

Moreover, empowered women contribute to diverse perspectives and innovative solutions, enriching the fabric of society. In politics, business, and community organizations, their representation brings forth a more comprehensive range of ideas, ultimately leading to more equitable policies and decisions that consider the needs of all.

A woman without empowerment is a world deprived of progress.

Empowerment is the antidote to gender inequality, offering women the tools they need to break free from constraints and shape their own destinies. By providing women with education, economic opportunities, and decision-making power, societies can harness their vast potential, fostering inclusive and thriving communities.

As we strive for a future

Overcoming Adversity: Empowering Girls in Africa, Asia, and Beyond for Success in Life

In many regions of Africa, Asia, and other impoverished nations, girls face numerous challenges on their path to empowerment and success. These hurdles, ranging from limited access to education to gender-based discrimination, create formidable barriers.

However, by addressing these challenges head-on and providing the necessary support and opportunities, we can empower these girls to overcome adversity and achieve their full potential. This article explores the various obstacles that hinder girls’ empowerment in these regions and highlights the strategies and interventions crucial to their success in life.

Limited Access to Education

Access to education remains a critical challenge for many girls in impoverished nations. Long distances to schools, lack of transportation, and inadequate infrastructure often make attending school a daunting task. Additionally, cultural norms and societal expectations prioritize boys’ education over girls’, perpetuating a cycle of gender inequality. As a result, girls are denied the fundamental right to education, which hampers their personal growth and limits their future prospects.

Addressing this challenge requires a multi-faceted approach. Governments and NGOs must invest in building schools, providing transportation services, and improving infrastructure to make education accessible to all. Scholarships and financial aid programs can alleviate the burden of educational expenses for disadvantaged families. Moreover, community engagement and awareness campaigns are vital in challenging traditional gender norms and emphasizing the importance of girls’ education.

Gender Bias and Discrimination

Deep-seated gender bias and discrimination continue to impede girls’ empowerment in these regions. Traditional beliefs and societal norms often relegate girls to domestic roles, undervaluing their potential and limiting their opportunities for personal and professional growth. Girls face biased expectations, which can lead to limited access to resources, decision-making power, and participation in public life.

To combat gender bias, it is crucial to foster inclusive and equitable environments that value girls’ contributions. Educating communities about the importance of gender equality and challenging discriminatory practices can shift societal perceptions. By promoting women’s empowerment at all levels, from grassroots initiatives to national policies, girls can break free from the shackles of gender bias and discrimination.

Poverty and Economic Constraints

Poverty acts as a significant barrier to girls’ empowerment, perpetuating a cycle of limited opportunities and denying them the chance to thrive. Families struggling with poverty often prioritize boys’ education over girls’, considering it a better investment. As a result, girls are left with few educational resources and are forced into child labor or early marriages to alleviate financial burdens.

To address this challenge, poverty alleviation measures are essential. Microfinance programs and income-generating opportunities for women can enhance economic independence and provide the means to support girls’ education. Social protection initiatives can provide financial assistance, ensuring that poverty does not hinder girls’ access to quality education.

Early Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy

Child marriage and teenage pregnancy are critical issues that hinder girls’ empowerment and educational attainment. Early marriage disrupts girls’ education, subjecting them to domestic responsibilities and limiting their ability to pursue personal and professional goals. Teenage pregnancy often leads to dropping out of school due to societal stigma and lack of support.

Efforts to address early marriage and teenage pregnancy must focus on empowering girls with comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education. Access to reproductive healthcare services and family planning resources can enable girls to make informed decisions about their bodies and futures. Furthermore, community awareness programs are crucial in challenging harmful practices and promoting the importance of girls’ education and their right to choose their own paths.

Health and Sanitation Challenges

Girls in impoverished regions often face health and sanitation challenges that hinder their educational progress. Inadequate infrastructure, lack of sanitation facilities, and limited access to clean water disproportionately affect girls, particularly during menstruation. Without proper facilities and support, girls may miss school, falling behind their peers and compromising their educational continuity.

To address these challenges, investment in health infrastructure and sanitation facilities is crucial. Providing access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities in schools can ensure that girls have a conducive learning environment. Additionally, comprehensive menstrual hygiene management programs, including access to menstrual hygiene products and education, can empower girls to navigate this natural process without disruption to their education.

Empowering girls in Africa, Asia, and other impoverished nations to succeed in life requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the numerous challenges they face. By ensuring access to education, challenging gender bias and discrimination, alleviating poverty, combating early marriage and teenage pregnancy, and addressing health and sanitation issues, we can create an enabling environment for girls to thrive. By investing in their education, providing opportunities for skill development, and fostering inclusive societies, we unlock the potential of these girls and empower them to overcome adversity, break down barriers, and achieve success in their lives and communities.

Our Solution: The International Tournament of Education Excellence (ITEE)

NJ MED as part of its World Top 20 Project has created three international education competitions to draw attention to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals education mission – SDG 4.

That focuses on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The first two competitions – The Global Academic Awards (GAA) and The World Education Championship (WEC) target the development of the nation’s education structures. While, the third – The International Tournament of Education Excellence (ITEE), examines the most under served population (girls) in education systems in a country.

By Leveraging FIFA’s Women’s World Cup: NJ MED’s International Tournament of Education Excellence and Empowering Girls Worldwide

The FIFA Women’s World Cup serves as a global platform to celebrate and elevate women’s achievements in sports. However, its impact extends beyond the field, presenting a unique opportunity to address the challenges faced by girls, particularly those from Africa, Asia, and other impoverished nations. NJ MED’s International Tournament of Education Excellence recognizes this potential and leverages the Women’s World Cup to empower girls through education. The mission of ITEE, highlighting the need to promote education and empower girls worldwide.

Join Us

As the 2023, Women’s World Cup games kickoff this week in Australia and New Zealand. We will compare the education success of girls in the 32 countries competing in the tournament. In hopes to harness the power of FIFA’s Women’s World Cup to address the education challenges faced by girls, particularly those from Africa, Asia, and other impoverished nations.

By leveraging the visibility and excitement of the tournament, the initiative promotes gender equality, invests in educational opportunities, fosters collaboration, and provides inspiring role models. Through these efforts, as the tournament empowers girls to overcome barriers, access quality education, and achieve their full potential. By using sports as a catalyst for change, NJ MED’s initiative creates a brighter future for girls, one where education becomes a transformative force in their lives.

Starting with improving the school completion rate of girls 6 to 14 year old. Followed by addressing the school completion rate of girls 15 to 18 year old, lowering teenage pregnancy, and enhance job skill levels.

Join your national education team or help create an education network for girls in your country. Please, visit for more information.

Denmark out performance South Korea in the first World Education Championship (WEC)


Denmark out-performance South Korea in the first World Education Championship (WEC)

The Battle for it All. Education and Football

When worlds collide, there can only be one winner. The first World Education Championship (WEC), hosted by NJ MED, an American NGO partner with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals education mission to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Created the World Education Championship to bring attention to what nations are excepting from their education systems, how much they are investing in education, and what are those results.

Facts that can show what is what and what is how. For example, what are countries doing to educate their children? What results are they trying to accomplish, and how do they get to those results?

No one seems to value how the sausage is made. Or what ingredients are being used to generate the end product.

The WEC’s mission is to explore what is in the sausage to give it that flavor. By comparing, what nations’ expectations are from their education systems (School Life Expectancy), how much they are investing in education (Government Investment in Education), and how the finished product looks (Adult Illiteracy Levels).

Again, no one seems to value the way things are the way they are. And how we can address the problem.

Imagine if we could get people to ask questions. The right questions, like why does my country not value education for my children, why does my country not invest more in education, and why does my country want to limit the success of its people? Good questions. So let’s ask them.

The WEC wants the answers to these questions and makes sure countries answer them. So to encourage nations to reply. During every Football World Cup, the WEC will be held to demonstrate what nations are doing to answer these questions.

While the world’s biggest sporting event is taking place, the world’s biggest education event will be taking place also. Comparing the 32 nations that compete in the 2022 World Cup performances – School Life Expectancy, Government Investment in Education, and Adult Illiteracy Levels.

Here are the results:

Group A

Netherlands, Ecuador, Qatar, Senegal

Group B

USA, Wales, England, Iran

Group C

Argentina, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Mexico

Group D

Australia, Denmark, France, Tunisia

Group E

Germany, Japan, Spain, Costa Rica

Group F

Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Morocco

Group G

Switzerland, Brazil, Serbia, Cameroon

Group H

South Korea, Portugal, Uruguay, Ghana


Netherlands over Wales
Denmark over Argentina
Poland over Australia
USA over Ecuador
Germany over Canada
Portugal over Switzerland
Belgium over Japan
South Korea over Brazil


Germany over Portugal
Denmark over Netherlands
South Korea over Belgium
USA over Poland


Denmark over Germany
South Korea over USA


USA over Germany


Denmark over South Korea

In the 2022 World Cup Finals, Argentina over France. However, in the World Education Championship, Argentina made the 16 rounds, and France did not get out of the Group stage in the World Cup.

However, the World Education Championship winner Denmark did not get out of the World Cup Group stage, and South Korea fell out of the World Cup in the Round of 16.

Who do you think got more world attention?


The World Education Championship (WEC)


The World Education Championship (WEC)

Measures the Return On Investment of nations have in education.

The World Education Championship (WEC) is an educational competition that is held every four years simultaneously with the World’s Biggest Sporting Event – the World Cup.

This year the World Cup will be held in Qatar from November 20, 2022, to December 18, 2022. The 32 teams in the tournament will measure each nation’s performance in School Life Expectancy, Government Investment in Education, and Adult Illiteracy Levels.

Thirty-two nations’ performances will be compared to each other. The nation with the best results in each category will receive points against its opponent.

The tournament countries are matched the same as their World Cup games and groups. The competition will run from the Group Round, the Round of 16, the Quarterfinals, the Semifinals, and the Finals.

Here are the countries participating in the 2022 World Education Championship:

  • Group A

Qatar, Ecuador, Senegal, and the Netherlands

  • Group B

England, IR Iran, USA, and Wales

  • Group C

Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Poland

  • Group D

France, Australia, Denmark, and Tunisia

  • Group E

Spain, Costa Rica, Germany, and Japan

  • Group F

Belgium, Canada, Morocco, and Croatia

  • Group G

Brazil, Switzerland, and Cameroon

  • Group H

Portugal, Ghana, Uruguay, and Korea Republic

The WEC Competition Categories are defined as:

School Life Expectancy

The definition of School Life Expectancy is the total number of years of schooling that a person of a certain age can expect to receive in the future, assuming that the probability of his or her being enrolled in school at any particular age is equal to the current enrollment ratio for that age.

This means the number of years a country is willing to invest in a child’s education. From early childhood to young adulthood. Most developed countries invest up to 16 years, while poorer countries end between 8 and 10 years.

Government Investment in Education

Government Investment in Education means providing public education to children. Public education is the biggest initiative undertaken by many governments around the world. If spending is a measure of social and economic value, no other governmental program –including national defense in many cases – is considered more valuable than exposing youth to a systematic education for at least a minimum period.

The average investment of a nation contributes 4- 5 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) to public education.

Governments hope that increased investment in education leads to increased economic growth for the nation’s future. This includes higher salaries for individuals, greater workforce effectiveness, and higher gross domestic product.

Adult Illiteracy Levels

Adult illiteracy levels mean – the percentage of the population aged 15 years and over who can both read and write an understanding a short simple statement in his/her everyday life.

Most governments rate defines literacy across five levels:

Entry Level 1 is equivalent to literacy levels at ages 5-7. Adults below Entry Level 1 may not be able to write short messages to their families or read a road sign.

Entry Level 2 is equivalent to literacy levels at ages 7-9. Adults below Entry Level 2 may not be able to describe a child’s symptoms to a doctor or read a label on a medicine bottle.

Entry Level 3 is equivalent to literacy levels at ages 9-11. Adults with skills below Entry Level 3 may not be able to understand labels on pre-packaged food or understand household bills.

Level 1 is equivalent to GCSE grades D-G. Adults with skills below Level 1 may not be able to read bus or train timetables or understand their pay slips.

Level 2 is equivalent to GCSE grades A*-C. Adults with skills below Level 2 may not have the skills to spot fake news or bias in the media.

Most adults that are illiterate are more likely to experience poorer employment opportunities, outcomes, and lower income. As a result, they often face welfare dependency, low self-esteem, and higher levels of crime.

The WEC Competition will Measure

The Economic Impact of Education

What is the economic impact? Economic impact studies estimate the total dollars, jobs, and household income generated in an economy due to a new activity; for example, the nation’s job skill development levels, workforce participation of the adult population, and unemployment rate of the head of houses.

Job Skill Levels

A nation’s job skill level of its adult population is a strong indicator of a nation’s economic strength and growth potential. The less skilled the workforce. The less income that can be generated to support its economy and social services. For example, education, health care, and public services for the elderly and families.

Work Force Participation

The labor force participation rate represents the number of people in the labor force as a percentage of the civilian noninstitutional population. In other words, the participation rate is the percentage of the population that is either working or actively looking for work.

Unemployment Rate

The unemployment rate measures the share of workers in the labor force who do not currently have a job but are actively looking for work.

The Social Impact of Education

The definition of social impact means any significant or positive changes that solve or at least address social injustice and challenges. From housing, health care, schooling, poverty, and family support services.

Here is the definition of three major social areas of concern

Child Mortality Rate

Child mortality or the under-five mortality rate refers to the probability of a child dying between birth and exactly five years of age,

Crime Rate

The crime rate is the ratio between the number of felonies and misdemeanors recorded by the police and gendarmerie and the population in question.

Poverty Level

A level of income above which it is possible to achieve an adequate standard of living and below which it is not. It fluctuates with the cost of living. Therefore, it means unfair living conditions for some of the population.

Why is The World Education Championship Important?

Someone has to be held accountable for the lack of development of our fellow human beings. Something has to be in place to ensure every human has a chance to live a productive life. We hope the World Education Championship can serve as a force of good and provide hope to the hopeless.

According to UNESCO, “Literacy is a fundamental human right and the foundation for lifelong learning. It is fully essential to social and human development in its ability to transform lives. For individuals, families, and societies alike, it is an instrument of empowerment to improve one’s health, one’s income, and one’s relationship with the world.”

The WEC’s mission is to do that. With the mass exposure of the world’s greatest nations’ spectacle (the World Cup). We hope the world will be listening.

What is your countries Literacy Rate?