Year in Review 2017


    A Year in Review: the 5 Biggest Challenges the World Top 20 Project Faced in 2017

    The World Top 20 Project’s mission is to ensure every child on the planet has an opportunity to reach their full potential, with access to quality education in a safe and nurturing environment.

    Each year the World Top 20 Project reviews world events that put children at risk.

    Below is a list of 20 events in 2017 that threaten our cause.

    Number 5:

    Human Sacrifice in South Sudan

    What is War Good for? Nothing

    The civil war in South Sudan has taken a heavy toll on children and teens. The war began in December 2013 after government troops — known as the Sudan People’s Liberation Army or SPLA.
    No one knows how many South Sudanese people have been killed since the outbreak of the civil war.
    “South Sudanese children suffer from…violence, displacement, lack of schooling, and forced recruitment by armed groups. Children have also at times been directly targeted by armed forces, often because of their ethnic group,” Jehanne Henry, a senior researcher in Human Rights Watch’s Africa Division, told Teen Vogue.
    Here is more information about why Sudanese children and their families have become victims:
    Civil war and lack of food wreck children’s education in South Sudan
    South Sudan’s civil war creates a new lost generation
    Over 1 million refugees from South Sudan now in Uganda

    Number 3:

    The News Just Keeps Getting Worse from Nigeria

    It was reported in 2017, Nigeria has the ‘largest number of children out-of-school’ in the world

    Was the report true? The answer is NO. However, Nigeria does have over 8.0 million children out of school.

    As the largest country in Africa, Nigeria’s investment in children education is an embarrassment to the continent. The country is a case study of a nation divided. Especially in northern Nigeria where the largest population of the Out-of-School children live. This diminishes their reputation around the world, and reveals their instability as a nation.

    With so many of the country’s government and business leaders fail to understand. “No nation can achieve economic prosperity without a sound, inclusive and functional education system. The security and stability of the country, to a large extent, depends on its ability to provide functional education to its citizens,” said the country’s government,
    Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education, Adamu Hussaini.

    You can find more information about Nigeria’s education system, below:

    Does Nigeria have the world’s most girls out-of-school, as activist Malala claimed?
    Boko Haram Leaves 3 Million Kids Out of School in N. Nigeria
    Poor Investment in Education

    Number 4:

    Killing the Mind

    Practicing Evil Ways

    Millions of young students in low and middle-income countries face the prospect of lost opportunity and lower wages in later life because their primary and secondary schools are failing to educate them to succeed in life
    About 617 million children and adolescents worldwide are not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics, signaling “a learning crisis” that could threaten progress on global development goals, according to UNESCO
    Lack of a good education equals lack of a proper job, which results in too much free time for young adults that is often poorly utilized. And for children in undeveloped countries, they are more exposed to gang violence, theft, drug use and child exploitation. Which means, children and adults with a meaningful lack of education are more vulnerable to victimization.
    Who benefits from this???
    Below are links to more information, on the learning crisis from around the world:
    More than half of children and youth worldwide ‘not learning’
    World Bank warns of ‘global learning crisis’
    World Development Report 2018

    Number 2:

    The Abuse of Power

    Trust Miss Found

    We’re here to HELP. To help defend those who cannot defend themselves. The International community formed a special group through the United Nations called UN Peacekeeping. The UN Peacekeeping operates in some of the toughest and most dangerous places in the world, going where others cannot or will not.
    The UN’s Peacekeeping mission to protect human life around the world is a godsend. With men and women from over 130 nations serving as Peacekeepers to help countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. And helping prevent conflict, reducing violence and strengthening security in the field where it matters most.
    Sometimes a good cause can go bad. And in Haiti it did. Where groups of Peacekeepers from Sri Lanka committed the vilest acts on a people and children. The only punishment they’ve received was to go home. If the UN and its nation members, don’t act on punishing this group of evildoers, it will threaten the credibility of the UN Peacekeepers forever.
    Read more related information on the victimization of Haitian children:
    More than 100 UN peacekeepers ran a child sex ring in Haiti. None were ever jailed
    How traffickers exploit children in Haiti’s orphanages

    Number 1:

    Profit and Greed Over Life

    Child Exploitation

    Many of the world’s top company’s are using child labor to help increase profits for their stock value and shareholders pockets. You to maybe also helping to exploit children if you buy any products from these companies – Microsoft, Lenovo, Renault, Vodafone, Huawei, L&F, Tianjin B&M, BYD, Coslight, Shenzhan BAK, ZTE (See the complete list of other companies)

    Over 150 million children are victims of cheap labor, and most work long hours for little pay or for no pay as slaves. Most people don’t care. If they don’t see it or know about it, what’s wrong with it.

    Everything is wrong with it. Former child labor workers are more likely to have low-paying jobs as adults, which increases the world poverty rate. It also destroys the child. It erases what could have been to endlessness and hopelessness. So again, who cares?

    Of course, companies deny, they support child labor. They say, We are helping create jobs in poor countries, through Global Partnerships. That helps raise families out of poverty. They strongly feel, if children are working in these countries. The local manufacturers are responsible for these senseless acts?

    Whomever is to blame. Is something you have to decide. We’ve selected Child labor and the forces around it, as the greatest challenge the World Top 20 Project’s mission faced in 2017.

    Learn more about child labor:

    Child Labour in the Fashion Industry
    5 Companies That Still Use Slave Labor

    15 Other Major Challenges Children and Countries Faced in 2017:

    Rohingya children forced to work, beaten and sexually assaulted – IOM

    The downsides to Singapore’s education system: streaming, stress and suicides

    What’s Really Keeping Pakistan’s Children Out of School?

    Male rape and sexual torture in the Syrian war: ‘It is everywhere’

    Child sex abuse live streams rising at ‘alarming rate’ amid surge in ‘cybersex trafficking’


    Heavy fighting forces thousands of Ukrainian children out of school

    We need compulsory sex education in primary schools to tackle child-on-child abuse

    More children in Japan victimized by sexually explicit selfies


    School Violence in Morocco and the Need for a True Reform

    Africa’s future depends on education

    Maria’s smallest victims: In Puerto Rico, children’s mental health a growing concern

    High Schools Are Dealing With Repeated Acts Of Racism And Students Are Concerned

    For The Venezuelan Opposition, Protests Are ‘Like A War’