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Will Japan Rule the World Again in Education in 2014?


Japan tops World Top 20 Education pre- poll ranking for 2014.



The World Top 20 Education Poll’s official 2014 rankings won’t start until June, but the poll’s publisher NJ MED, wanted to start with a fresh start, and allow students, teachers and parents worldwide to participate in help predicting who should be ranked in the top 20.

Japan’s education system outperformed 190 other nations last year, in NJ MED’s first ever ranking of countries education systems, based on five developmental levels for students, starting with early-childhood enrollments, international test scores in reading, math and science for primary education, teenage high school completion rates, and post secondary college graduations.

Japan edged out second place South Korea by 10 points and the world’s perceived number one country in education, Finland, by 39 points in last year poll. This year countries like the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States may move up in the ranks.

The World Top 20 Education ranking system’s new pre-poll format adds another dimension to the most accurate measure of a nation’s educational level. With a public selection process and weighting in the amount a country invests in education, the final poll is going to look quite different.

INDIA SCHOOLS  With a country, like India, which won the online international students, teachers and parents vote, was not enough to make the World Top 20 Poll’s first quarter rankings.

(First –Quarter Rankings of the World’s Best Education System)

1. Japan

Japan’s education system was ranked number one in last year’s World Top 20 Education Poll, with 87 points. Japan also ranked in the top 5 in four of five educational developmental levels – 3rd and 4th in primary education proficiency scores, and 2nd in both high school and college completion rates. They spend $10,596 annually to educate each student, and 5.5% of their GDP on national education.

Power Ranking Score of 96

Related Content: World Top 20  

2. The United Kingdom (England)

Last year, the UK finished third in the World Top 20 Education Poll. They’ve moved up one spot in the first quarter rankings for this year. Mainly, because their country invests more in education then South Korea, who was the runner-up in last year’s poll. The UK spends 4.5% of their national wealth on education and an above international average of $10, 878, per student annually.

Power Ranking Score of 81

3. South Korea

England has a slight edge over South Korea for the second spot in the World Top 20 Education Poll’s   pre-poll predictions. But the gap between the UK and Korea is slim. South Korea’s success in last year’s poll included finishing first in two educational developmental levels – primary education for students 5 to 10 year olds and college completion rates. Their success in spending less and getting more does not translate to a country’s overall investment in education. South Korea spends the international average amount of $8, 198 per student annually and 3.3% of its GDP on education. Which effects their point total in the pre-poll rankings.

Power Ranking Score of 77

Related Content: Last Year Poll

4. Finland

The Finland education system, is believed to be the best in the world by many educators. But in reality, their student’s results are average above primary education. That was reflected by them only ranking sixth overall in last year’s World Top 20 Poll. They’ve advanced two places in this year’s pre-poll rankings. With Finland investing 4.0% of their nation’s GDP on education, and their commitment to having the world’s best teachers, in addition, to spending a respectable $10.157 per student annually.

Power Ranking Score of 69

5. Netherlands

When projecting for 2014, we have to be careful to not put too much stock in last year’s rankings. The Netherlands finished 8th and forty-one points behind first-place Japan, which certainly did not raise expectations for their country for this year. But the Netherlands’ spot in this poll is more about where they are going as a nation rather than, where they’ve been. In analyzing their investment in education, Holland spends $11,439 a year to educate a student and uses 5.0% of its GDP on education.

Power Ranking Score of 68

6. Norway

Norway ended 2013 ranked number 13, but has moved up 7 spots in the first quarter rankings for 2014. Norway’s Government spends 6.8% of their nation’s GDP on education, the third highest amount among any country ranked in this poll. Their cost per student ($14,081), the second highest in the top 20 poll, certainly shows their investment in education, and should assure them a top 10 finish in this year 2014 final poll rankings.

Power Ranking Score of 67

7. Denmark

Coming off last year’s ranking in the World Top 20 Poll, as the 16th best education system, will make a hard-pressed to end 2014 in the top half of this year’s poll. Denmark, moves up 9 spots from last year’s rankings and will be in the mix to finish in the top 5, if their student outcomes can match the investment the country makes in education. Denmark spends 7.8% of its GDP, the most by any country in the top 20 poll. They also invest the third highest amount to educate their students, $12, 848, per year.

Power Ranking Score of 65

8. Belgium

Races up 6 spots to the number 8 ranking in the pre-poll. Can they keep their position in the finale poll rankings? Belgium seems to have all the ingredients to challenge for a top 10 finish. Their nation spends $11,028 a year to educate their students, financed by one of the three communities: Flemish, French and German-speaking. That accounts for 6 percent of their GDP. Belgium’s greatest challenge will be how well each of their communities progress despite the differences in language and culture.

Power Ranking Score of 59

Related Content: Spending GDP  

9. Canada
Despite finishing 7th in last year’s poll, Canada drops two spots in this year’s pre-poll rankings to number 9. Canada continues to climb the ladder in the world of academics and remain as a progressive nation. But like Belgium has a divided education system ran by provinces, with different structure and measurable outcomes. Nevertheless, the nation stands as one, with the countries overall investment in education at nearly 5 (4.9) percent of its GDP, and over $10,000 ($10,125) spend to educate each student.

Power Ranking Score of 57

10. USA

As one of the world’s richest nation, the US finished a disappointing 60 points behind first place Japan in last year poll rankings. Those results don’t reflect the amount that is invested in education per student ($15,171), which is the most in the poll and second highest in the world. That combined with 5.5% of the nation’s GDP allocated for education, demands better student outcomes. Will the US maintain its top 10 pre-poll ranking or fall back down to the bottom in the poll’s results?

Power Ranking Score of 55

11. Singapore

The number four ranked country in last year’s World Top 20 Poll, Singapore falls to number 11 in this year’s pre-poll selection. For now, Singapore is a good example of a school system that does quite well on performance but doesn’t reach the top because of disparities, on the amount they spend per student annually (estimated at$4,210) and with only 3% of their GDP going towards education.

Power Ranking Score of 53

Related Content: Singapore Education System 

12. Russia

Russia’s education system finished in the top 5 in last year’s poll. Like Singapore student performance isn’t an issue for Russia, but projecting how high they will reach in this year’s poll won’t be easy. They invest an above average of $9, 313 per student and spend almost 4% of their GDP on education. However, with recent social unrest in the country, it may be touch to repeat a top 5 finish in 2014 rankings.

Power Ranking Score of 53

Related Content: Russia unrest

13. Ireland
Another year, another challenge to make a Top 10 finish. After losing 4 spots in its pre-poll ranking, Ireland remains solid in its nation’s education commitment. Ireland spends 4.9% of its GDP on education and $10,685 per student annually; one of the highest in Europe. With the same Power Point Ranking as Singapore and Russia, Ireland may have an opportunity to end 2014, above both nations.

Power Ranking Score of 53

14. New Zealand

This Pacific island country finished 2013 three points short of having a top 10 finish. New Zealand invests 6.1% of their GDP in education, making it the fifth highest, among the nations ranked in the Top 20 Poll.  New Zealand also spends $8,192 per year to educate their students, and there’s little doubt that their climb to a top 10 finish can continue in 2014.

Power Ranking Score of 49

15. Israel

As mentioned with Singapore, Russia and Ireland even-up, the gap in a Top 10 finish in last year’s ranking to falling out of this year’s Top 10 ranking is very small. For now, Singapore, Russia and Ireland are slightly ahead of Israel in making it back up. Despite investing nearly 6% (5.9%) of its GDP on education, the cost per student of $6,537, is the deciding factor between the nations.

Power Ranking Score of 48

16. France

France finished 2013 ranked number 19, and have moved up 3 spots in this year’s pre-selection poll. France also was ranked number one last year in early-childhood enrollment with ever child under-4 required to attend school. With the nation spending $10,182 to educate each student and 5.6% of its GDP on education, we should expect them to even finish higher in the World Top 20 finale poll ranking in December.

Power Ranking Score of 46

17. China

Japan is the early favorite to win the 2014 World Top 20 Poll, as the country with the best education system, but South Korea and Singapore, two other Asian countries aren’t far behind. China, however, quest to close the gap is widening. China finished 42 points behind Japan last year, and 61 points behind them in the pre-selection poll. China invests 4.3% of its GDP on education and spends an estimated $8,611 per student annually. Their primary education tests scores in international ranking are above average, but China’s ability to manage the vast size of its country’s rural areas will define how high it can climb in the World Top 20 Poll.

Power Ranking Score of 35

18. Germany

Germany’s education system is ranked the tenth best in Europe, two spots lower than last year’s ranking. With Germany investing 4.5% of its GDP on education and spending an estimated $9,299, the country should rank higher in the poll.

Power Ranking Score of 33

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19. Portugal

With Portugal having the highest high school (secondary) completion rate in last years poll, the door is open for Portugal to make a run at moving up the 2014 World Top 20 final poll rankings. Despite spending less than the average European country per student annually $8,009, Portugal invests 5.2% of its GDP on education, which exceeds most of the countries ranked ahead of them.

Power Ranking Score of 32

20. Sweden

The new comers to the World Top 20 Poll, Sweden spends the sixth highest amount to educate their students annually ($11,734), of the countries selected in the poll, and more impressively invests 6.6% of its GDP on education, which is the fourth highest. Just like the other Scandinavia countries in the poll – Finland, Norway and Denmark – Sweden has put stock in building a strong education foundation for their nation.

Power Ranking Score of 32

See the complete poll HERE

Its Official Japan has the World Best Education System in 2013

Japan 1
Japan No. 1

The World Top 20 Education Poll first annual winner is: Japan. Who led all four quarters this year, with 87 points; followed by South Korea, the UK, Singapore, Russia and a distance six, the pre-poll favors Finland.

Japan overwhelmingly wins over 200 countries with the best education system structure for students 3 to 25. Which, shocks the world, with Finland being, perceived has the world best for the last half-decade.

Numbers don’t lie, they may not tell the whole story, but, they cannot be denied. Japan outperformed Finland in all 5 major educational development areas. Early-Childhood enrollment (3 and 4 year old), Japan ranks 7th overall internationally compared to Finland that does not offer early-childhood education.

The most shocking news was Japan also out performed Finland in student reading, math and science scores in primary education at the 4th grade (8-9 year old) and 8th grade (12-14 year old) levels. Japan also had higher high school graduation rates (17 to 19 year old) 96% to 93%, and college graduation rates (18 to 25 year old) 57% to 39%.

Other surprises in the 2013 Poll, was how well some countries outperformed others that spend more per student. The United States had the highest per cost per student ($15,172) but ranked 18th; countries like Estonia 17th ($6,126), Finland 6th ($10,157) and even first place Japan spends less ($10,596) per student.

Next year’s Poll 2014, indicates Japan and other Asian nations rankings positions will be strong or even better, based on this year’s OECD PISA test results.

As we await, the results from 4 other international education sources (the  United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO); The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS); Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), and Progress in International Reading Study (PIRLS), and confirmed the data with over 100 nations for next year.

Let’s congratulate Japan as the winner for 2013.

The World Top 20 Poll mission is to assure Every Child is afforded the opportunity to reach their full potential. If you would like to learn more, or join the campaign’s mission please visit their website at , and like us on Facebook at

The World’s Best 20 Education Systems Rankings Third Quarter Report


As a new school year starts across the globe, the World Top 20 Education Poll releases its Third Quarter Report. There has been no change from the 1st and 2nd quarters, with three countries from Asia holding the first, second and fourth spots in the top five places, but there’s no discounting what 12 European Countries Education Systems have done by being ranked in the top 20 poll.

This quarter’s report highlight where the top 20 countries education systems strengthen lies and where there needs to be improvement to maintain, move-up, or drop out of the top 20.

1 Japan : The Japan Education System has been ranked the poll’s number one for all three quarters. And matchup very well in all 5 educational development levels. With plans to invest more into education, Japan is setting themselves up to be number one for a very longtime.

2South Korea : The South Korea Education System outperforms Japan’s system at 3 of 5 levels. However, are unable to overtake them in the poll, because of their lack of investment in early-childhood development.

3. United Kingdom : It may be time to give the UK credit for their educational system‘s success. Many readers could not believe the UK merit this high of a ranking. But, they were the only European country to rank in the top 10 in every educational level the poll measures.

4. Singapore : Education system continues to impress with very little to work with, they rank in the world’s top 2 in both primary education students scores, and could overtake the UK in the next top 20 poll.

5Russia : It is impressive just how good Russia’s education system is in being rated has the world’s most educated country. Yet, they fail to reach this poll’s top 3. Like most of these countries in the top 20, their lack of investment in early-childhood has lowered their position.

6Finland : Recognize as the world’s best education systems by other polls and educational experts, fail to mention Finland does not rank first at any international level in education. In fact, Finland ranks 32nd in early-childhood enrollment, even though their system works very well for them, this indicates why they fall out of this poll’s top 5.

7Canada : Always a contender for a place in the top 5, Canada has one of the world’s highest college graduation rates. The country still has not invested enough time or resources to develop children before they enroll into primary education. When they do, they could find themselves a top 3 ranking.

8Netherlands: What a statement for the Netherlands to be ranked second in the world in early-childhood enrollment and company to be ranked in the top 10 in primary education test result scores. If the Netherlands have any hope of moving up in the rankings they must improve their high school graduation rates.

9 Ireland : Secondary Educational System is top shelf. If they can convince their government to investing in more early-childhood development they could make a run for a top 5 spot.

10Israel : Finland has been using Israel’s education system to model their global success. The reason Israel is not ranked higher is because of their early childhood enrollment program problem, which they are now addressing.

11China : Has the largest education system in the world, and their students test scores are among the best,  the area China fails to gain points in the top 20 poll, is due to their poor early-childhood program and high school completion rate.

12New Zealand : Has a legitimate top 10 education system, why they fall back in the pack, is because of their average primary test results.

13. Norway : Not as successful as their neighboring country Finland, Norway’s education system is very good, there only weakness is at the primary education student test scores.

14Belgium : At a time went the country is only ten points away from ranking in the top 10 best education systems, the country is starting to decrease educational funding.

15.Germany : History has shown Germany has a very strong education system, however, over the last couple of decades, they’ve fallen behind other countries in addressing social change  within the country.

16Denmark : A quiet country no one talks about how they performance well at all educational levels, especially at the early-childhood level

17Estonia : No one in the World saw this coming with the country of Estonia ranking higher in the poll then the U.S. But Estonia‘s early-childhood and primary educational levels are better.

18United States of America : So many educational level problems to overcome especially in maintaining the world’s largest economy. However, the most glaring area of needs is at the high school and early-childhood levels.

19. France : Early-Childhood commitment to prepare children for entrance into primary school is impressive. The problem starts with primary levels due to the country’s growing multicultural population.

20Portugal : The countries high school graduation rate reported by OECD’s 2012 (100%) is being challenged by EU, which conclude Portugal’s weak economy state is due to low high school graduation rates. We hope the Portugal Ministry of Education Department becomes more transparent and release the true numbers.


Educate Every Child on the Planet: World Top 20 Education Poll Mission

Welcome to the World

The World Top 20 Education Poll plans to work with NGOs to support schools to address the problem to educate over 130 million children across the globe.

end poverty

World News (Camden,NJ)

776 million adults around the world are illiterate.  In fact, half of the nations on the planet; do not have a functional education system to help raise their standard of living. Most of these countries are developing nations in Africa and Asia. That will continue to condemn generations of children to a promise of poverty, abuse and death!

Conflicts, wars, embargos and regionalized conflicts have maintained its grip in limiting the opportunity for every child to receive a high quality education, particularly girls.  The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Girls Education Campaign, reported in 2000, that over 70% of females were not enrolled in school in some countries, which include, India and Nigeria.

Today, major progress has been made, with more girls in school than ever before. The number of children of primary age out of school has plummeted from 115 million in 2000 to 61 million in 2010. Thanks to the global commitments to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education for All projects. Yet, there is so much more to be done.

Taking It to the Next Level

Despite the progress, far too many of the children are dropping out of primary school or coming out of school vastly lacking the basic tools of being able to read and write. Estimates are that 120 million children do not reach Grade 4 — and an additional 130 million in school are failing to acquire basic reading and numeracy skills.

Many drop out before they master theses basic skills; because they need to work to help their families survive, or they are unable to learn because 72 million of these children are affected by Child malnutrition. Therefore increasing the gap between countries ability to prepare skilled workers to develop and thrive in the new global knowledge base economy.

The New Jersey Minority Educational Development (NJMED) organization, say they have heard the voice less, and strategically plan to engage the task at hand. By working with international projects like, UNICEF’s Education for All, the World Bank and the Global Partnership for Education, the United Nations Development Programme – Millennium Campaign,  and the International Education and Resource Network’s Global Education Conference to establish a Global Standard for educating children, as well as, social justices.

The Investment in Education

Several controversies occur in the definition of nation’s investment in education. The first is whether education should be defined in economic terms, or as part of a broader social order. The economic definition of education is typically based on income measures, with the higher attainment and achievement creating a strong and knowledge base workforce, which builds and stabilize a country’s economic growth.

While, many psychologist use a broader definition suggesting that education means preparing the cognitive development of students and the various factors involved in learning, including aptitude and learning measurement, the creative process, and the motivational forces that influence future success in life.

The World Top 20 Education Poll supports both perspectives, by focusing its efforts to work with NGOs to support schools to address the problem student’s face. From poverty, child labor abuse, children soldiers, and non access to schools in developing nations, to teenage suicide, teen pregnancy, teen drug abuse and youth gangs in developed nations. By examining four areas of educational development:

1) the concepts of head start and child development;

2) mechanisms through which cognitive thinking and problem solving affects child development and educational outcomes in primary school;

3) social skills that positively effects job readiness and help promote healthy family functioning;

4) attainment and achievement levels towards establishing a knowledge base workforce.

 What’s the Plan

With support from the United Nation, UNICEF and other international children Non-governmental organizations (NGO) the World Top 20 Education Poll will annually help build a global data bank that ranks 260 countries education systems; in hopes of encouraging them to invest more in education.  From early-childhood enrollment rates, proficiency level of children in reading, math and science from 4th and 8th grade, to high school and college completion rates. And publish it results each year, listing the 20 best education system and updated it every 90 days.

The data for the poll will be collected from 5 international organizations- the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO); The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS); Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Progress in International Reading Study (PIRLS); and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECO) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study,  that report annually and bi-annually on country’s education progress.

Each nations Ministry of Education Departments will then be contacted to assure the poll’s data is correct. The data will then be used to develop resources with local organizations and community leaders to connect with schools, analyze yearly results to ensure that high quality education for sustainable development is integrated for students 3 to 21, and support NGOs to insure that nonconforming nations adapt.

All in an effort to create a Global Standard for education by ensuring every country is judged on an annual basis against the same yardstick, or set of global standards.

What’s Next

If you would like to participate in the project, and can help provide resources to link services for countries in areas of need; from teacher development, school buildings, school supplies, and family aide, please contact New Jersey Minority Educational Development via e-mail at [email protected]


Japan has World’s Best Education System, South Korea 2nd UK 3rd

Japan Education

The first World Top 20 Education Poll was published this month, and rates Japan with the best education system.

Since the innovation of the technology industry era, Japan continues to prove its capability to bring change to society. No more evident, then its position as leading 259 nations in the World Top 20 Education Poll. That calculates data results from 6 international organizations that study countries from early-childhood enrollment rates, proficiency levels test scores in math, science and reading for both elementary and middle-school students, as well as, the high school and college graduation rates.

The poll’s developer, the New Jersey Minority Educational Development (NJMED) organization, gathers the data from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO); The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS); Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Progress in International Reading Study (PIRLS); and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECO) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study, and then confirms the data results through each nation’s department of education, to assure for its accuracy.

The Poll’s main focus is to use its results to establish a Global Standard and annually publish a list of the top 20 education systems, and update it 3 times a year. While, it’s impossible to compare countries based on the difference among economics, size, or cultural values; however, participant levels and outcomes are measurable.

As a result, the World Top 20 Education Poll outcome ranks these nations as the best 20 education systems in the world.



Has Investing in education really work for Japan

Japan is this year’s best. With a ten point lead over second-place South Korea and a 26 point advantage over third place, the United Kingdom.

Japan’s return on investment on education, has created a very strong global equity market, which has demonstrated their ability to prepare its future workforce in the new knowledge base global economy in the 21st century, through a progressive education system. That continues to build their Internet and nuclear power infrastructure.

While Japan uses national standardize testing to monitor the progress of its students. It limits its usage to 6 and 9th graders. Which has some expert educators questioning their policy for also using, testing to weed out students, for future opportunities in higher education that could discount, the true educational impact of their system offers.

This Not A Test Poll

Many of the top countries in the World Poll also rely on standardize testing to assess potential workforce knowledge and skills with an eye towards raising national productivity and surviving global competition. Which critics say inhibits the social development of children.

They agree that there has to be a balance, to assure the students are learning, but also developing socially to living happy and successful lives. Not teaching to be tested, but using cognitive and problem solving skills to handle real life challenges.

NJMED hopes to use this ranking platform, to work with each nation, in building a core group of stakeholders. That will team with local governments to assure every child on the planet, is allowed to reach their full potential, as well.  With projects like UNICEF’s Educate Every Child and the United Nation’s Education For All, the World Top 20 Poll realizes it already has allies in its cause. And with the support from nations Ministry’s of Education Departments, educating every child on the planet is achievable.