Solution: 4 Billion Ways to Save Our Children

Save Our Children

Every parent wants the same thing… God. Please protect my child.

There is no guarantee; every child born will have an opportunity to reach its full potential. Why?

Because the WORLD does not work like that.

Some of us may have a better opportunity than others. To see our children become successful.

Because of where we live, how much money we make, and the support system we have.

However, that is no guarantee; our children will grow up healthy, happy, and self-confident. So many things can happen to prevent our children from becoming successful.

Drugs, alcohol, bullying, sex-abuse, gun violence, and wars.

What Can We Do to Lower the Odds?

The challenges of raising our children in a safe and nurturing environment is becoming harder, day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year.

It seems there is a force out there, whose only mission is to take our children from us. We need to find solutions.

If you have been following us (NJ MED) for over the last 5 years, you know. We deeply believe education is the hope we need, to help cure the world’s problems, and save our children.

We’ve seen how it can change lives, and make our children strong. Successful and turn the odds in our favor against poverty, violence, and hopelessness.

So we are asking, everyone, everywhere to trust us, and believe in one another. Because, without that, our mission to save our children and Educate Every Child on the Planet is nothing without you.

How do We Do It?

To educate every child on the planet, you need access. You have to see them, hear them, and be able to give them the tools they need to become successful.

It’s estimated that there are over 210 countries in the world. Small ones, large ones, those with access to lights, those without, those with roads to those without.

Given those facts. It will be easier to work with those countries that we have easy access too.

We can work with them to address social issues and encourage them towards higher education (something we have already begun – Global rankings of Educational Systems and Universities).

However, gaining access to nations that lack resources or provide human rights to children and their families is not as easy. Because we have to address both social and academic needs. Therefore, making it the most challenging, to get access to and to develop a support system.

Working Together towards a Common Goal

The United Nations and every major international organization have been working to save our children and our planet’s future, since 2000. With two major initiatives – The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

NJ MED joined these initiatives in 2012, and are committed to using all of its resources, to help them accomplish their goals (especially Goal number 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all).

One of our major resources is our staff relationship with World Football.

FIFA, the world’s governing body of football, has 209 member nations. Since 2005, they have joined the international effort to address development in economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Their flagship initiative – Football for Hope – focuses on working with children in education and health. The same common goal, our project (World Top 20 Project) and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Initiative wants to achieve.

With the support of the SDGs members, FIFA members, and universities around the world, we can accomplish the goal to save our children.

Good vs. Greed

Knowing is Half the Battle

Knowing there is a problem and wanting to do something about it. Is just a start.

So where do we start? Where the biggest problem is.

Knowing there are over 260 million children out of school. And nearly one billion adults  illiterate, unemployed and live in poverty because of a lack of education. Means, we have to go where the biggest challenges are – Africa and Asia.  

How do we do that?                                                              

  1. We have to get access to information
  2. We have to update the information
  3. We have to identify problem areas
  4. We have to develop a way to provide resources to address their problem areas
  5. We have to create funding sources to make the effort sustainable.

So, we have to work together to win the war to Save (ALL) Our Children?

IF You have Nothing Better to Do, Why NOT?

Let’s begin with the first step: get access to information. Currently, over half of African and Asian countries database on education is out of date by 4 to 6 years or does not even exist!

So, we have to build a temporary database profile for each country. We need real information from international and national organizations that track population’s sizes and to gather data on each country’s economic and social condition.

We can get this information from our United Nations ECOSOC partners and two Higher Education Initiatives – Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) and Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD).

Once, we establish a communication system to gather data. We need to update the information, by hiring an outsource group to collect information on each country’s education system, and have that information confirmed from three reliable sources.

To complete, the update information process, we will use another outsource group to collect additional educational information, that must also be confirmed by three reliable sources, to establish a real-time educational database of each country.

Let’s Get to Work

After, the education database is created for each country. We need to assess and develop their social and economic profile. That will outline each nation’s strength and weakness in their educational development of their children.

Which will give us a clear idea of the challenges and problem areas in each country’s education system.

From, the lack of early childhood education investment. To the safety, children face in going to school in unstable governments. To countries recovering from natural disasters. We have to know what is and has happened, to better prepare us for the worst.

Our organization, NJ MED, with international education experts, local media outlets, and regional NGOs partners of the SDGs Initiative will help conduct the assessment process.

With this information, we can organize and plan to develop a way to provide resources to address problem areas in each country. From early childhood to post-secondary education.

Counting the Cost

Billions of dollars have been or have been promised, to accomplish the 17 Goals of the Sustainable Development Goals by the year 2030.

We are not counting on that money to fight our battles. We need to develop a system that will invest, monitor, and stimulate growth within each country, city, and village. That is the only way this will work.

It will take time, but, time will work in our favor.

With 4 Billion World Football supporters and more than 3 Billion Internet users, we have a great chance to make history. And Save Our Children.

By the year 2023, you will see and feel the progress that we’ve made. “So Stay Tuned”.